How Long Do LED Light Strips Last With Average Usage?

LED strip lights have become increasingly popular due to their versatility, energy efficiency, and stylish design. However, before investing in these lighting options, it’s important to understand their lifespan to make an informed decision.

In this article, we will explore the question “how long do LED strip lights last?” by discussing the average lifespan of LED strip lights, factors that affect their longevity, and how to properly maintain them. Additionally, we will also cover the benefits of LED strip lights to help you understand why they may be a good investment for your home or business.

Components of LED Light Strips

LED light strips are composed of individual light-emitting diodes (LEDs), flexible printed circuit boards (FPCBs), resistors, and other components. These components are assembled using surface mount technology (SMT), ensuring a compact and flexible design.

Protection for Outdoor and Underwater Use:

To enhance durability, some LED strips are protected with silicone or polyurethane glue. This coating provides resistance to moisture, dust, and other environmental factors. These protected strips are ideal for outdoor and underwater installations, ensuring longevity in harsh conditions.

IP Rating and Lifespan:

IP rating, which indicates the level of protection against ingress of solids and liquids, affects the lifespan of LED strips. While higher IP ratings provide better protection, they can hinder heat dissipation. This reduced airflow leads to increased operating temperatures, potentially shortening the lifespan of the LEDs.

Surface Mount Device (SMD) LED:

The Surface Mount Device (SMD) LED is a critical factor in determining the overall lifespan of an LED strip. SMD LEDs come in various sizes, with smaller sizes (such as 2835 and 5050) offering higher brightness and longer lifespan than larger sizes. The quality and efficiency of the SMD LEDs directly impact the durability and reliability of the entire strip.

What is the structure of LED light strips?

Protection of Outdoor LED Strips

Outdoor LED strips require protection against the harsh elements they face. This is achieved through silicone or polyurethane (PU) glue coatings. These coatings act as a protective barrier against moisture, dust, and other environmental factors that could damage the delicate LED components. By providing this added layer of protection, outdoor LED strips can withstand the elements and maintain their performance over time.

Impact of IP Rating on LED Strip Lifespan

The IP rating of an LED strip indicates its level of protection against dust and water ingress. Higher IP ratings provide enhanced protection, but this can come at a cost to heat dissipation. Heat dissipation is crucial for the longevity of LED strips, as excessive heat can shorten their lifespan. As a result, LED strips with higher IP ratings, while more durable, may have a slightly reduced lifespan compared to those with lower IP ratings.

Factors Affecting LED Circuit Lifespan

The lifespan of an LED strip is largely determined by the lifespan of its LED circuit. Several factors can influence the lifespan of the LED circuit, including the operating conditions, such as temperature and humidity, as well as the design of the LEDs themselves. The L70 method is commonly used to estimate the lifespan of LEDs, indicating the hours of operation until the brightness decreases to 70% of its original level.

Outdoor LED strips may be coated with silicone or PU glue for protection

 LED Lifetime and the 70% Rule (L70)

LED lighting, including LED strips, exhibits a gradual decline in brightness over time. To determine when an LED strip has reached the end of its useful life, the industry uses the “”70% Rule,”” or L70. This rule defines the point at which an LED strip has lost 30% of its original brightness, resulting in a remaining intensity of 70%. This level is generally considered too dim for practical use.

Calculation of L70

The L70 value is determined through the LM-80 test method. This method involves subjecting LED samples to a controlled temperature and current environment for 6000 hours. During this period, the luminous intensity of the LEDs is measured and recorded. The resulting data is documented in a report, providing a reference for the expected L70 value.

Challenges in Lifespan Testing

Testing the lifespan of LEDs presents challenges due to its extended duration. To achieve the typical 50,000-hour lifespan, continuous testing would take up to 6 years. This lengthy process can be impractical and costly.

TM-21 Extrapolation Algorithm

To address the challenges of lifespan testing, the TM-21 extrapolation algorithm has been developed. This algorithm utilizes data collected from the initial hours of LM-80 testing to estimate the LED lifetime. By extrapolating the data, the testing duration can be significantly reduced, providing a more efficient and realistic approach to estimating the expected lifespan of LED strips.

How Long Do LED Strip Lights Last? 7 Factors influencing the lifespan of LED strips

How Long Do LED Strip Lights Last?

1. FPCB (Flexible Printed Circuit Board)

Using high-quality 2-4 oz double-layer pure copper flexible PCBs ensures efficient current flow, reduces heat generation, and aids in quicker heat dissipation. Heat can significantly impact LED lifespan, necessitating effective heat dissipation methods. Mounting the LED strip onto an aluminum profile maximizes heat dissipation, lowering the working temperature.

2. Resistors

Resistors regulate the forward current to maintain LEDs at the intended brightness. The resistor’s value might vary between batches, hence opting for a reputable supplier is crucial.

Ensure the use of high-quality resistors. Inferior ones can drastically reduce the LED strip’s lifespan or cause damage. Avoid overpowering LEDs as they may initially appear brighter but fail prematurely, generating excess heat that could pose safety hazards, especially on flammable materials.

3. Power Supply

The power supply is pivotal. Utilizing a branded, quality-assured power supply is imperative. A subpar power supply may output unstable voltage levels, surpassing the LED strip’s working voltage and potentially damaging it.

Ensure the LED strip’s power doesn’t exceed the rated maximum capacity of the power supply. It’s generally recommended to limit the LED strip’s power to 80% of the power supply’s rated maximum capacity for stable voltage and prolonged usage.

4. Heat Dissipation

Heat significantly reduces LED lifespan. Therefore, efficient heat dissipation methods are essential. Installing LED strips in well-ventilated areas is recommended. Budget permitting, affixing the LED strip to an aluminum profile facilitates timely heat dissipation, prolonging LED lifespan.

5. Electrical Current Impact

Higher electrical currents result in brighter LED outputs, initially appealing. However, sustained higher currents accelerate LED component degradation, akin to constant high-speed running leading to burnout eventually.

6. Double-sided Tape

We rely on 3M’s VHB tape at LEDYi. However, numerous suppliers offer unbranded or counterfeit adhesive products. The key to a durable installation and effective thermal conductivity lies in using superior quality tape.

7. Daily Usage and Durability

Increased usage inevitably accelerates wear and tear.

How does the power source affect the lifespan of LED lights?

How does the power source affect the lifespan of LED lights?

Stable Power and LEDs

LED strip lights can be likened to marathon runners in the lighting world—they can persevere as long as they receive a consistent energy supply. The power supply serves as their essential lifeline, the key to their enduring performance.

A reliable power supply isn’t merely important; it’s indispensable for LEDs. It’s akin to the fundamental pairing of bread and butter or the essential role of wheels for a car. Without it, functionality is compromised. LEDs specifically thrive on stability. Consistent and stable power sustains their luminosity, allowing them to radiate brightly over extended periods.

However, when the power supply experiences fluctuations, it’s akin to altering the gravitational forces during a marathon run. One moment, you feel weightless like a feather, and the next, you’re burdened like lead. An unstable power supply disrupts the smooth functioning of an LED strip light, impacting its performance and longevity.

Fluctuating Power

Fluctuating power supplies act as the Achilles’ heel for LED lights, drastically reducing their lifespan, akin to a lumberjack swiftly chopping down a tree with an axe.

The relationship is straightforward: superior-quality power supplies directly translate to extended longevity for LEDs. It’s comparable to the difference between fresh organic produce and fast food—clearly, one leads to better outcomes in terms of health.

Another inadvertent method of damaging LEDs is by overdriving them with excessive voltage. Picture your LED light as a small boat sailing in calm waters (stable voltage). Suddenly, an enormous wave (high voltage) crashes in unexpectedly! This surge can inflict severe damage, resulting in reduced lifespan or immediate failure.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Always opt for quality power supplies specifically designed for LED lights.
  • Avoid subjecting your LEDs to high-voltage surges.
  • Regularly inspect your lighting setup for any indications of instability or voltage fluctuations.

How does heat affect LED strip lights?

LEDs, much like any other electronic device, generate heat. However, they differ significantly from old incandescent bulbs, which often doubled as miniature heaters. LEDs operate at lower temperatures but are not exempt from the laws of physics. Let’s delve into how heat impacts these small yet remarkable light sources.

How does heat affect LED strip lights?

LED lights generate heat

LEDs emit light through a process known as electroluminescence, where electricity passing through a semiconductor results in light emission. Despite its fascinating nature, this process isn’t entirely efficient, leading to some energy loss as heat.

Unlike in other electronics where heat is typically an incidental outcome, in LEDs, it can directly influence their performance and longevity.

Heat: A Light Dimmer and Color Changer

Excessive heat adversely affects the output and color quality of LED strip lights. It’s analogous to running a marathon in scorching weather—you tire quickly and probably don’t perform optimally.

Elevated temperatures can prematurely dim an LED or alter its color rendering index (CRI). Over time, bright white lights might shift to a yellowish or reddish hue, deviating from the expected lighting quality.

Heat sink for LED lights

Effectively managing heat is crucial for prolonging the lifespan of LED strip lights, primarily through the use of efficient heat sinks. Think of these heat sinks as the air conditioning units for LEDs.

A quality heat sink absorbs surplus thermal energy from the LED chips and disperses it into the environment. This practice maintains lower operating temperatures, ensuring consistent light output and color quality over time.

Various types of heat sinks are available, such as:

  • Aluminum extrusion
  • Stamped metal
  • Cast metal

Each with its advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, any heat sink solution is preferable to allowing LEDs to overheat and deteriorate.

The higher the temperature, the shorter the lifespan

The correlation between higher operating temperatures and reduced lifespans is simple—higher heat leads to shorter lifespans. It’s akin to leaving ice cream out in the summer—we all know how that ends!

For every 10°C rise in temperature at the junction (where electricity enters), an LED’s lifespan typically decreases by about half. So, if you want your strip lights to outlast your latest diet plan, keeping them cool is the key!

Using LED strip lights continuously also affects the lifespan

The precise lifespan of LED strip lights is a common inquiry, yet not easily answered. Multiple factors contribute, but let’s delve into how daily usage impacts their longevity.

Hours Used Per Day

Consider a high-quality LED strip light with an approximate lifespan claim of 50,000 hours. If left on continuously (24/7), that amounts to just over five years! Conversely, using it for an hour daily could extend its lifespan to over a century. The duration of daily usage directly correlates with the overall lifespan—more usage leads to a shorter life, while less usage extends it significantly.

Switching Frequency

The frequency of turning your lights on and off matters too. Research indicates that frequent switching can impact lifespan. Although seemingly trivial, each switch-on causes an instant power surge, adding stress to the LED strip lights’ internal components. While LEDs are more durable than traditional bulbs, excessive switching throughout the day can affect their longevity.

Use for a long time without stopping

Allowing LED strip lights to run continuously without breaks can also affect their lifespan. Similar to humans needing breaks from work, these lights require intervals. Extended uninterrupted usage can cause overheating, subsequently reducing their life expectancy. Although leaving them on overnight might create a desirable ambiance, moderation in usage is advisable.

Usage Patterns: Continuous vs Intermittent

Different usage patterns influence LED strip lights differently. Continuous use exposes them constantly to electricity and heat, leading to faster wear-out. Conversely, intermittent usage allows for cooling down periods, potentially extending their lifespan.

However, bear in mind that these factors aren’t the sole determinants of lifespan. Other crucial aspects such as product quality and operating conditions (e.g., exposure to sunlight) significantly contribute to how long these lights will serve you reliably.

Electrical Currents in LEDs

LEDs, a cornerstone of modern LED lighting, operate by harnessing the flow of electrical currents through a semiconductor material. This current stimulates the emission of light, making LEDs an energy-efficient and versatile lighting solution.

Balancing Drive Currents

The drive currents applied to LEDs play a crucial role in their brightness and lifespan. Higher currents enhance LED brightness, but the accompanying heat generation can diminish lifespan. Finding the optimal balance between these factors is essential for prolonged LED operation.

Significance of Optimal Current Levels

Maintaining optimal current levels using resistors ensures maximum longevity for LED strip lights. Resistors limit the current, preventing excessive heat generation and premature failure. This meticulous balancing act optimizes the lifespan of LED strips, maximizing their value and reducing maintenance costs.

Risks of Maximum Rated Current

Operating LEDs at their maximum rated current incurs significant risks. Extreme temperatures can result, drastically reducing lifespan. Prudent LED usage involves operating within the specified current limits, ensuring optimal performance and longevity while avoiding premature failure and associated costs.

Tips to Extend LED Light Strip Lifespan

1. Installation Techniques

Improving the way LED strip lights are installed is crucial for their longevity. It’s not just about slapping them on and plugging them in; there are essential steps to consider.

  • Surface Preparation: Ensure the surface is clean and dry before applying the strips. Dust or moisture can interfere with the adhesive, leading to early failure.
  • Avoid twisting and bending: LED strips are flexible but not indestructible. Over-bending or twisting can damage the circuits, shortening their lifespan. Using mounting clips for support when installing long strips helps relieve tension and prevents sagging.

Another critical aspect for optimizing LED strip lights is concealment or discreet installation, which significantly impacts their overall aesthetics and functionality.

2. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance may seem odd for lights, but it’s essential:

  • Dust Removal: Dust accumulation over time can cause overheating and reduce brightness. Wiping down the strips monthly helps prevent these issues.
  • Connection Check: Loose connectors can harm LED strips. Ensuring all connections are tight and secure is vital for their optimal performance.

In addition to regular maintenance, certain practices can help prolong the lifespan of LED strip lights. By incorporating these maintenance practices and knowing how to reset LED strip lights when necessary, you can ensure they continue to provide optimal performance and longevity.

3. Appropriate Power Supplies

Choosing the right power supply is crucial:

  • Voltage Match: Always match your power supply with the LED strip’s voltage requirements to prevent issues.
  • Avoid Overloading: Avoid overloading your power supply by connecting too many strips together. This can negatively impact their performance and lifespan.

4. Controlling Temperature

Controlling temperature is often overlooked but crucial for extending LED lifespan:

  • Heat Dissipation: Efficient heat dissipation is essential as LEDs produce heat. Consider using aluminum profiles to manage heat better.
  • Room Temperature: Maintaining room temperatures below 25°C (77°F) can minimize wear-and-tear on LEDs, extending their life expectancy.

5. Consider purchasing premium-grade LED strip lights

Upgrading to higher-quality LED strip lights can significantly impact their longevity. Cheaper or basic lights often lack an optimal design for long-term preservation. They tend to channel excessive energy into areas near the power source, causing overworking in those sections while leaving downstream areas insufficiently lit.

In contrast, premium LED strip lights contain more copper, allowing for smoother and more uniform electric current distribution across the entire strip. This design ensures consistent illumination throughout, not just in sections close to the power source.

When considering new strip lights, opting for 24V lights instead of the standard 12V could be advantageous. Contrary to what one might expect, higher voltage enhances unit performance, potentially reducing electricity bills in the long run.

6. Investing in LED-compatible dimmers is another crucial step

If your home has older dimmer switches or dials and you’ve installed LED lights, compatibility issues may arise. Standard switches might not function optimally with these newer bulbs, hindering their dimming capabilities or illumination. Swapping out these switches for LED-compatible dimmers is recommended to ensure maximum performance and functionality.

These six simple but effective tips can significantly extend the lifespan of your LED light strips. Proper care and installation not only ensure their longevity but also brighten up your space for a longer duration. Remember, treating them well results in longer-lasting illumination!


1. How long is the usual lifespan of LED strip lights?

LED strip lights typically last around 50,000 hours, depending on usage and quality.

2. Is it safe to keep my LED strip lights turned on for extended periods?

Generally, it’s safe to leave LED strip lights on for extended periods due to their low heat emission and energy efficiency.

3. What happens to LED strip lights if they overheat?

Overheating can lead to a shortened lifespan or malfunctioning of LED strip lights.

4. What measures can I take to ensure the maximum lifespan of my LED light strips?

To ensure the longest life for LED light strips, proper ventilation, and heat dissipation are essential, along with using quality products and avoiding overdriving them.

5. What are the indicators that my LED strip lights might be experiencing overheating issues?

Signs that LED strip lights might be overheating include dimming, discoloration, emitting a burning smell, or visible damage.

6. Does switching off my LED strip lights when not in use help prolong their lifespan?

Yes, turning off LED strip lights when not in use can significantly extend their lifespan.

7. Are all LED strip lights anticipated to have an identical lifespan?

Lifespan varies among LED strip lights due to factors such as quality, usage, and operating conditions.

8. Can the lifespan of LED strip lights be compared to that of traditional light bulbs?

Generally, LED strip lights have a longer lifespan compared to traditional light bulbs, often lasting significantly longer.


LED strip lights present a wise investment for those seeking durable and energy-efficient lighting solutions. With a lifespan stretching up to 50,000 hours, these lights ensure prolonged illumination, minimizing the requirement for frequent bulb changes.

Moreover, LED strip lights boast versatility in design and color choices, rendering them a favored option for both home and business applications.

By delving into this article, you’ve likely discovered an answer to the query: “How long do LED strip lights last?” For further insights on LED strip lights and tips like how to take LED lights off without ripping paint, remember to follow BLLS-Lighting to stay abreast of the latest knowledge and trends!

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